Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Virtual Tickets - Prize Entry Form

Children and teens who have read or listened to books, magazines, and/or audiobooks every day of Summer Reading are ready to enter the prize drawing for reading for 10 days!

You can enter here.  Additional prize levels will be added to that form as we reach them, e.g. the 20-day prize will be added on July 1, the 20th day of Summer Reading. 

To find the form again as you reach future reading goals, you can:
The prize entry form is the same for children and teens.  Events and additional information vary by age.  

If you have any questions - about Summer Reading, book recommendations, or anything reading or library-related - please let us know! You can email us at youth@milanlibrary.org.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Summer Storytime

We are beginning our Summer Storytime on Friday, June 18 at 10:30 A.M. on Zoom.  

If you'd like to attend, please sign up here and we'll send you the Zoom information to join us.  

We will have some Storytimes on Zoom and some in-person, outside this summer.  Storytime will include books, songs, dance/movement activities, fingerplays, flannel board stories, and more.

Storytime is planned for 3- to 5-year-old children.  If your child is slightly younger or older and would enjoy Storytime, you're welcome to attend.  Older and younger siblings of Storytime children are also welcome to attend.

Our Zoom Storytimes are scheduled for every other week.  You can attend as many as work for your schedule.

We'll meet on Zoom on:
June 18
(We're skipping June 2 in case you're celebrating the holiday weekend!)
July 9
July 23
We'll schedule August dates closer to that time.

If you'd like to attend, please sign up here and we'll send you the Zoom information to join us.  

We hope to see you there!