Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Olympics

The Olympics begin tomorrow.  Check out these books to learn about events, records, history, technology, and more. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Children enjoyed seeing, sitting in, and honking the horns of twelve vehicles this morning at our Touch-a-Truck event.  We appreciate everyone who brought vehicles to this program:

Army National Guard

Budget/Stadium/Milan Towing,
Finch Sand and Gravel, LLC,
Gotts Transit Mix,
Huron Valley Ambulance,
Milan Area Schools Transportation,
Milan Department of Public Works,
Milan Police Department, and
Monroe County American Red Cross.

Humvee from the Army National Guard: 

Dump Truck and Backhoe from Milan's Department of Public Works:

Dump truck from Finch Sand and Gravel:


Cement mixer from Gott's Transit:

School bus from Milan Area Schools - Department of Transportation:

Emergency response vehicle form Monroe County American Red Cross:

Ambulance from Huron Valley Ambulance:


Police car from Milan Police Department:

Tow trucks from Budget/Milan/Stadium Towing: